Thursday, 5 November 2015

Pyramid scheme vs Network Marketing

"Oh yeah, Juice Plus, typical pyramid scheme, you'll never earn anything worthwhile from that!"
How many times have I heard that since I've started in the business. Juice Plus is NOT a pyramid scheme but is Network Marketing.

Lets take your local big name grocery store as an example of a pyramid scheme.
At the top we have one big boss. Under him you will have a few Deputys and then under them several Supervisors, followed by floorworkers/cashiers, and then cleaners.  Only one person is ever in that top position and that is the boss man himself. If and when he leaves it wont be a cashier who takes his place, she may not have even been promoted, but it will be someone of the same level or just underneath. The boss man will then be there for a certain length of time and nobody can progress to his position.

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In Juice Plus / Network Marketing everyone gets a chance to be at the top position. There isn't just one position, there are as many as it needs. People work hard, get promoted each step of the way and there is nobody stopping them reaching that top position, only themselves. If we dont want to work hard and be promoted and just want to remain at a lower level then thats our choice, if we want to work hard, be recognised and aim for a better life and way of living then we can progress to higher levels. Whats even better is we get paid bonuses as we progress and our rate of pay changes in line with the level we are on.

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Juice Plus Levels & Bonuses

Dealer (D)- RVC 825, 10% of sales
Direct Distributor (DD) - 14% of sales
Senior Direct Distributor (SDD) - £3,250 RVC, £200 bonus mth 1, £100 bonus mth 2
Sales Co-ordinator (SC) - £6,500 RVC, 1 DD leg, £400 bonus mth 1, £500 bonus mth 2
Senior Sales Co-ordinator (SSC) - £10,000 RVC, 2 PB legs, £1,800 bonus after 3 mths
Qualifying National Marketing Director (QNMD) - £20,000 RVC, 3 PB legs, £3,600 bonus after 3mths
National Marketing Director (NMD) - £40,000 RVC, 4 PB legs, £7,200 bonus after 3 mths
International Marketing Director (IMD) - £80,000 RVC, 4 PB legs, £14,400 bonus after 3 mths
Executive Marketing Director (EMD) - £120,000 RVC, 4 PB legs, £21,600 bonus after 3 mths
Presidential Marketing Director (PMD) - £160,000 RVC, 5 PB legs, £28,800 bonus after 3 mths

Does any of the above appeal to you. It is achieveable if you want it. I've been with the business 2 months and have already progressed one level. If you would like more information of how to be a part of my team please message me. There's no time like the present to start to live the life you dream of. One day this could be your office.......................
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See you soon

Angela x

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