Welcome to the Juice Plus Boosters..
Our JP Boosters are not only a health supplement, they're also a fantastic weight loss aid. A completely natural product designed to help you lose weight.
* Glucomannan derived from Korjac plant and is 100% natural * Water soluble fibre * FDA approved as completely safe * Contains ZERO calories * Reduces blood sugar levels * Reduces cholesterol * Acts as a weight loss aid * Decreases calorie intake by 25%
The Boosters are designed to reduce your weight by what they do with your food, its not a case of you taking them and then start losing weight. Really it works within your diet itself, so it actually reduces your chloric intake by around 25% as well as all the benefits listed above.
* Eat clean and often alongside our incredible boosters and you will have a body to die for in no time. You can even try them alongside our shakes and capsules or use them as a stand alone product.
All you need to do is add water and drink. You can take a maximum of 3 a day, most people only have one a day because they're so filling. You will receive 90 sachets in your order.
If using 3 a day you can have these before your 3 meals. It is recommended to take them 30-60 minutes before your meal. If using 1 a day its up to you when you take it, but if there is a time you are more susceptible to snacking then I would recommend taking the booster 20-30 minutes before that time.
Take some before and after pictures and your measurements to monitor your progress.
If you have any questions then please message me. As mentioned in the video, there is no obligation to follow the food plan but your results will be heightened if you do.
Bye for now
Angela :)